My policy on reviewing a film really comes down to one over-riding factor – what emotional impact did it make on me? And if a film can engage both my mind AND my emotions, then so much the better. But if a film engages my mind then it will also lead me to feeling something as well, as a natural by-product of thinking about the film. So emotions/feelings are the over-riding factor, but – and this is a big but – they have to be authentically created emotions. Authenticity is the key. So my reviews will focus on the emotional impact of a film, and the overall experience of watching it. There will be a minimal mention of plot, just the bare bones so as to give a general idea of the genre of the film. And there will be no spoilers. When I read reviews I want concision, succinctness, how did it make the reviewer feel, a bit of technical jargon if necessary, and that’s it. So my reviews will follow that pattern.